Bilbo returns... twice

The Hobbit, based on the novel of the same name by J. R. R. Tolkien, is in development for release in December 2011 and a sequel in December 2012. The films will be directed by Guillermo del Toro, with The Lord of the Rings film trilogy director Peter Jackson serving as executive producer and co-writer.

Pre-production began around August 2008, with Del Toro, Jackson, Walsh, and Philippa Boyens writing the scripts. Del Toro is collaborating with Jackson, Walsh and Boyens via videoconferencing, and flying every three weeks, back and forth from Los Angeles, California (where some of the designs are being done) to New Zealand to visit them.

Del Toro spends his mornings writing, and during the afternoon he looks at material related to Tolkien to help him understand the writer's work. Specifically, he has watched World War I documentaries and examined Jackson's memorabilia, including working reproductions of planes, tanks, cannons, ships and uniforms (as Del Toro believes Tolkien's experiences in that war impacted his stories).

 He will finally move to the country in early 2009. Filming is slated to take place throughout 2010 in New Zealand, and Del Toro will renovate the Hobbiton sets in Matamata. For his part, Jackson has kept the Rivendell scale model and the Bag End set (which he has used as a guest house) from the trilogy.During the middle of the shoot, there will be a break which will allow Del Toro to edit The Hobbit while sets are altered for the second film.

maybe with Tom Bombadil to the possibility of a THIRD Hobbit movie(?!)

Postat av: Becca

Den längtar jag tills! Hmm, del Toro och Jackson kan bli intressant. Såg en ganska bra film för ett tag sedan, som kanske inte har så mycket med saker att göra, har du sett Girls interrupted? Jag gillar egentligen inte Jolie så mycket, men den filmen var väldigt bra! Angående de du skrev på min blogg, jag satt som sagt själv och kollade på alla dessa filmer på youtube, och vare sig detta är sanning eller mytiska berättelser (som jag tror) så är det otroligt intressant, man fastnar verkligen i det, ser mönster hur allt hänger ihop. Hann inte skriva så mycket om det, men kanske lägger till det senare! OJ, vad jag skriver...

Det var så länge sedan vi hördes nu! Hur är det med dig? går allt bra? Kramar

2008-11-11 @ 22:18:11

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