Tuffa Grabbar!!!

Chris Ryan pseudonym, född i Newcastle, England 1961, medlem av det brittiska militära elitförbandet Special Air
Service fram till 1993.


"He joined the regular 22 SAS in 1984 after seven years in the territorial 23 SAS and he was later one of the members of the disastrous "Bravo Two Zero" mission, during which a patrol from the Special Air Service (SAS) were sent behind enemy lines in the first Gulf War. He was the only member of the team to escape from Iraq after a 200 mile walk with no food and little water through enemy territory into neutral Syria."

Chris Ryan originally applied for selection with the 23 Territorial SAS regiment after unsuccessfully trying to get into the army as a boy soldier at 16. His cousin, Billy, was already in it, so he suggested that Ryan come down to the base for a few weekends to see what the army was really like. Ryan loved doing this, and he came down every weekend, eventually almost passing selection several times, but he was too young to continue selection and do 'test week'. He eventually joined 23 SAS and shortly afterwards began selection for the 22nd, regular SAS, as a medic. He passed, joining 'B' squadron. However, needing a parent regiment he, along with another soldier who had joined the SAS from the Royal Navy, planned to spend three months with the Parachute Regiment at Aldershot, but after only a few weeks he was called back to the SAS to go with 'B' Squadron to Aden, where they
parachuted into the sea to secure the beach heads whilst the British pulled out. He then spent seven years doing both covert and overt missions with the SAS in various theatres of the world.

Ryan skrev boken Den ende som kom undan som är baserad på hans upplevelser med patrullen Bravo Two Zero som opererade i Irak under det första gulfkriget. Patrullen sändes in i Irak för att under nattetid slå ut Scudmissiler och även för att bryta kommunikationsförbindelser genom att förstöra optiska kablar ute i öknen. Parullen upptäcktes dock och av den åtta man starka patrullen dog tre man och fyra togs tillfånga och torterads av Irakiska styrkor. Av dem avlidna dog två av hypothermi och den tredje av fiendens eld. Chris Ryan var den enda som lyckades komma undan och fly de 32 milen till den Syriska gränsen.



Böcker Av Chris Ryan!!


  • The One That Got Away
  • Chris Ryan's SAS Fitness Book
  • Chris Ryan's Ultimate Survival Guide


Geordie Sharp (character)

  • Stand By, Stand By (1996)
  • Zero Option (1997)
  • The Kremlin Device (1998)
  • Tenth Man Down (1999)

Matt Browning (character)

  • Greed (2003)
  • The Increment (2004)


  • The Hit List (2000)
  • The Watchman (2001)
  • Land Of Fire (2002)
  • Blackout (2005)
  • Ultimate Weapon (2006)
  • Strike Back (2007)
  • Firefight (2008)
Chris Ryan har synts i tv-serien "The Hunting Chris Ryan"

Andy Mcnab
 DCM MM (born December 28, 1959) is a British former soldier turned novelist. McNab came to public prominence in 1993 when he wrote an account about the failed SAS mission Bravo Two Zero during the Gulf War. He has subsequently authored an autobiography and a number of works of fiction.  Andy McNab is a pseudonym; his real name is unknown.

Andy McNab blev känd för den breda allmänheten när han 1993 skrev boken "Bravo Two Zero"/ "Bravo Två Noll" om sina upplevelser som tillfångatagen SAS gruppchef under Gulfkriget. I gruppen fanns även Chris Ryan som senare också kom att skriva en bok om sina upplevelser under samma uppdrag i boken "Den ende som kom undan".

Andy tog värvning i det brittiska infanteriet vid en ålder av 16 år, 1984 antogs han vid specialstyrkan SAS (Special Air Service) där han tjänstgjorde fram till 1993. Numera försörjer han sig, med stor framgång, på att skriva böcker, dessutom håller han säkerhetsföredrag för både brittiska och amerikanska säkerhets-och underrättlse-tjänsten.



  • Bravo Two Zero (1993)
  • Immediate Action (1995)


Nick Stone Missions

  • Remote Control (February 17, 1998)
  • Crisis Four (August 22, 2000)
  • Firewall (October 5, 2000)
  • Last Light (October 1, 2001)
  • Liberation Day (October 1, 2002)
  • Dark Winter (November 3, 2003)
  • Deep Black (November 1, 2004)
  • Aggressor (November 1, 2005)
  • Recoil (November 6, 2006)
  • Crossfire (November 1, 2007)
  • Flashback (November 3, 2008)



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